- MODEL #HG5542 With capacities
of 700 m3/h - 1.000 m3/h and 1300 m3/h @STP, 0 degC and 1 atm
- You can use hydrogen
gas in converted gas water heaters, cooking
- burners or as an admixture
fuel in conventional generators.
- The only thing you
can't do with H2 is Bake! You get soggy sponge cakes because
of the water vapor H2 puts off into the stove.
- For use in gen-sets
simply adjust the throttle and get the motor up to half speed
using it's intended fuel type and then adding a small amount
of metered hydrogen gas (H2) into the air cleaner so that the
gen-set revs up to full throttle. The addition of H2 gas into
the air cleaner gives plenty of clean burning power without the
problems of running pure H2 fuel. Don't forget to install the
obvious gas cut off solenoids in case the motor stalls.
gas admixtures saves 50% of your fuel costs and works great on
engine without expensive carburetor or injector modifications.
A working knowledge
of Hydrogen safety is necessary before you try using H2 gas.
Batteries and
even grid systems are stingy at low power levels and only give
back a small
- portion of the power potential
being generated and as batteries age they become ever more
- inefficient. Start capturing
your energy in the form of hydrogen gas!
- H2 Gas
- Hydrogen generators from Thermodynamic
Engineering, are designed to meet new and challenging applications
in the fields of power storage, fiber optics, metals, electronics,
chemical and food industries, and other various specialty applications.
- Commercial generators are available
with hydrogen delivery
- rates up to 42 normal m3/h (1,600 standard
ft3/hr) and
- pressures as high as 9.1 kg/cm2 gage
(130 psig).
- Operator convenience and improved safety
dominate the HM or Gas Master* Series design, minimizing
maintenance and allowing long periods of uninterrupted operation.
Our commercial Gas Master* models feature microprocessor control
and touch-screen display to provide fully automatic system operation
and continuous monitoring of critical parameters with automatic
shutdown on out-of-tolerance conditions.
- Fully assembled and skid-mounted systems
ready to go to work! Just add water and electricity and you are
ready to make endless supplies of Hydrogen.
- The Truth
Concerning The : "Hydrogen
Future" and the
"Hydrogen Economy"
- Products Available-
- Electrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
- Hydrogen
Gas Alarms and Sensors Multi-dangerous Gas Alarms and Sensors
- Odorized-Hydrogen® is
a trade mark owned by our company
- #QD7® - is a trade mark
owned by our company
- All H2 generators are considered custom orders
- Hydrogen Gas Alarms and Sensors
Multi-dangerous Gas Alarms and

- Questions??? For Fast Email Service Email Us
- For FAST Technical Support Please Email Us Now!
- We do not have a voice phone number
or a receptionist in order to keep
your prices low.
- We have the WORLD's lowest prices on
wind turbines and accessories and sacrifices have
- to be made in order to accomplish this
goal! Therefore we are a 100% web based company.
- How to place a domestic order without
- using the Shopping cart CLICK HERE
- For Canada, Alaska and Hawaii click
this link for additional shipping rates.
- WARNING: Your credit cards BILLING
address MUST match the
- address you are shipping to OR your
order WILL be Rejected!!
- For a "Work-around" to
this problem please email us for instructions.
NO PAPER company
policy. We have no written literature.
Over 175,000,000 tons
of paper and other wood products are dumped into landfills annually
world over.
We offer only non-polluting
electronically generated information that is served here on this
web site.