#QD76 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Generator Water4gas
- #QD76 / 6 lbs of Electrolyte / BUY IT NOW
- -Only $39.95
plus $16.85 S&H fee.
- #QD76 - Potassium Carbonate
- The BEST, the safest and
the most
- conductive electrolyte
you can buy.
- 6 Pound Bag makes 90 to
100 gallons of electrolyte solution.
- When properly used with
DI water it will last FOREVER!!
- Baking soda clearly has a problematic residue.
- Sodium citrate tends to foam orange residue.
- KOH or Potassium hydroxide can burn the skin.
- Sodium hydroxide powder can burn the skin.
- Tap water doesn't seem to produce enough
- l
#QD76 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
- You are bidding on a BIG
6 Pound Bag
- of stock #QD76 Potassium Carbonate -
- #QD76 - Potassium Carbonate
- The BEST, the safest and
the most
- conductive electrolyte
you can buy.
- 6 Pound Bag makes 90 to
100 gallons of electrolyte solution.
- When properly used with
DI water it will last FOREVER!!
- Baking soda clearly has a problematic residue.
- Sodium citrate tends to foam orange residue.
- KOH or Potassium hydroxide can burn the skin.
- Sodium hydroxide powder can burn the skin.
- Tap water doesn't seem to produce enough
Carbonate is the name of that "SECRET INGREDIENT"
that everyone
has been trying to hide from you for all these years!
It's JUST Potassium
Works best
with common cold-rolled steel electrodes, not stainless (chromic
acid problems)
Only TWO rules to follow:
- Never use tap water (Chlorine
is an electrode killer!) Use ONLY deionized bottled water !!
- Never use stainless steel
electrodes since they contain Chrome. Use ONLY cold-rolled steel.
- For Home Use: A major misconception about hydrogen
and HHO ga
s is that it is some kind of free energy. We get several
calls a month from customers that want to plug a hydrogen generator
into their wall socket in order to save money on their gas bill.
This simply will not work. While Hydrogen has many marvelous
qualities it is not above the laws of thermodynamics (More energy
is used to make hydrogen in comparison to the power you receive
back which is true for all energy storage systems). Hydrogen
is by far the most efficient way to store power but it is still
only a BATTERY. If you start looking at hydrogen as a new type
of BATTERY it all starts to make more sense!
- Thinking 'hydrogen' is
a natural solution for power storage IF the initial power
comes from renewable or low cost power generation sources. Wind,
solar, hydro or Diesel gensets that make electricity while making
hot water are all good candidates for a hydrogen gas energy storage
system, otherwise called an H2 gas generator.
- Hydrogen generators produce hydrogen and
oxygen through
- the electrolysis of water, following the
chemical equation:
- 2H2O + Energy --> 2H2 + O2
- For Vehicle Use; Again this is NOT free energy. Think of it as ENERGY
STORAGE and then you will be on the right track. People who use
large HHO systems in their vehicles have actually made a hybrid
ELECTRIC CAR and that is all! (Assuming they have some serious
battery power too!)
- Making a car that gets additional range
from battery power is a truthful and worthy goal but you will
need some serious amperage and at least a few hundred pounds
of battery power to even consider the idea of an HHO range extended
electric car. If you run the HHO generator from the cars own
tiny battery that is under the hood you are totally wasting your
time and missing the whole point of an E.G.E.F.S. vehicle!
- Think E.G.E.F.S. Electro Gaseous Enhanced
Fuel System. That means when you charge up your LARGE battery
bank in the bed of your truck with cheap household current THEN
this power can be converted into HHO gas and THEN this can extend
the range of your drive. NO Thermodynamic miracle here but it
is a simple way to build your own electric/fuel hybrid car. Only
flip the 200+ amp power switch when going over 55 on the fwy.
and your cruise control is on. A big HHO system is to dangerous
to use around town. Wire a cut-off to your cruise control. When
the cruise control goes off from touching the brake peddle so
to does the big relay switch powering the whopper sized HHO cell.
Safety first.
- Yes HHO Fans - To get real results your
going to need big battery power and to stop listening to all
the HHO hype. If you just make a legitimate E.G.E.F.S. vehicle
that is doing a whole LOT of good, like getting your fuel for
25 cents per gallon electricity equivalent is a worthy goal and
no B.S. miracles needed, this is a real savings in your fuel
- Hydrogen and HHO are explosive
and you must take
- FULL responsibility for
any and all hazards of electrolysis!
- All gases must be bubbled
through a scrubbing stone in at least 10" of clean water
- order to remove any remaining
electrolysis salts. Change out scrubber water as needed.
- In order for you to save
money on deionized bottled water you may substitute with pure
- Rain water must be caught
in plastic drums and then SEALED air tight! Catch it on plastic
sheets and direct it
- into the drum. If this rain
water ever touches the ground it will become "mineralized"
and is not longer suitable!!
- Only use clean rain water
caught on plastic sheets!! Only this may be used instead of bottled
deionized water!!!!!- Electrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
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- Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte
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HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Generator Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas#QD7 - Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell
and CHECK OUTGener
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Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrfogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
Electrolyte HHO Hydrogefn Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolytef HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
- tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Celfl
Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrfogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
Electrolyte HHO Hydrogefn Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolytef HHO Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator
Water4gas tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
Electrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
tElectrolyte HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas Electrolyte
HHO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator Water4gas
- Hit 28767-Times