BATTERY POWERED STOCK TANK HEATERS     Cold Weather Colicing Prevention.     Keep remote stock tanks from freezing solid with our #SJH series water heaters! People have found that using our battery powered heaters is the BEST deicing method ever devised! Keep water available to your live stock 24 hours a day. While the 12 volt battery needs to be changed out ONCE a day it sure beats chopping ice 3 or 4 times a day!  Compared to endless ice chopping simply swapping out batteries once a day is relatively easy!     (You can also use much bigger batteries and go as long as 4 days. For more info read all info below)        Our 12 volt heater is fast and easy to  wire up with any 12 volt car battery!     THREAD-IN BATTERY POWERED STOCK TANK HEATERS     #SJH126F heater with freeze sensor for 12 volt systems- 6" model        Ratings; (Ni-Chrome coils / High Wattage)  12 volt @ 600 watts - Thread-In Model (1" NPT bottom tap)  40 F. "ON" to 60 F. "OFF"  Special build for 50 amps / 600 Watts     ONLY $149.95 + $24.90 S&H each  ONE 12 volt heater w/freeze sensor                                         NOTE: do not put any kind cold proofing insulation between the tank and freeze sensor.  it must remain exposed to cold air and not only the warmer water in the base of the tank.
If you do not want to drill holes in tanks? Get our Easy-To-Use / Drop-In / PLUNGE-PROBE
34" long by 3/4" PVC plunge-probe. Can be extended with ordinary PVC pipe fittings.
Comes with heavy duty 12 AWG water proof wire.
Just clip on to a 12 Volt Marine battery or buy with our Freeze Sensor Module for cold
weather automation and automatic ON-OFF
Drop in Plunge-probe is sealed at base and top with silicon rubber for years for long life.
EASY PLUG & PLAY - Just clip the 2 power terminals to any 12 volt
car or boat battery and probe will start heating your water tank fast.
(Make sure the probe is covered in water at all times so it does not over-heat)
Simply clip on to a 12 Volt Marine battery or buy with our Freeze Sensor Module for cold
weather automation and automatic ON-OFF (See Below under "Freeze Sensor Module")
Note: If your purchase the probe only it will come with battery clips for
direct connection to battery. Heats water instantly and for about 12 hours
if hooked to a large deep cycle battery.
    Extending battery time - Batteries can also be banked together in PARALLEL (not series) to extend the time in between visits to remote stock tanks. You can also extend the running time by up to 4 times by using 6 volt "GOLF CART" batteries and running the heater on only 6 volts. On a 6 volt battery they will last 4 times longer in between charges BUT they will not run as HOT either which could work out nice for smaller or really remote tanks!

    You can also use a wind turbine or solar panel to help charge batteries in the field too! Only you can determine what will work in YOUR situation so pay close attention to the water for the first few days your heater is on line!
    Why does battery power work so well? Even during the day when temperatures rise above freezing the water is being slowly heated by the water heater.
    This large body of warm water acts as a gigantic heat sink (Thermal Mass) and the water will hold that heat all night long, especially if you insulate the tank too!
EXAMPLE: If you have ever unplugged a portable spa you will have noticed that even days later the water is still very warm even in freezing weather. This is why slow heating of water both day and night with a low wattage battery powered heater works out so well.
Insulation of the water tank by surrounding it with straw bails and or applying a spray-able foam type insultation is very important to stop heat dissipation. Also the battery powering your heater should be placed in a closed box with at least 4" of foam insulation to keep its power levels higher in cold weather.Note: Large tanks should be siting on solid Styrofoam billets that are at least 6" thick. The ground is very COLD!!

"Swopping out a battery daily sure beats chopping ice everyday"
#SJH12300 model features standard electric terminal screws and is zinc plated with rubber gasket.
Ratings; (Ni-Chrome-Ruthenium coils / Low Wattage)
6 volt @ 75 watts / 12 volt @ 300 watts (15 volts - Max Battery V/375 watts) -
Thread-In Model (1" NPT bottom tap)
Your Critter NOSE (knows) the
For HOT WATER direct from Wind Power CLICK HERE
No batteries needed!!
Overheat and Freeze thermostats available.
Questions And Answers
    Q. - Will it work on my rubber maid tank and what do you think of solar? Also how do I get maximum battery life in winter the months.
    A - It works on most of the rubber maid tanks but you will have to check if it is a 1" pipe thread. Also we use a BOTTOM TAP NPT     thread style so sometimes you may have to re-thread the hole to the largest possible 1" taper but that is easy. I would highly recommend that you go to the smallest tank size possible in the winter months so the heater can do its job. Since the battery needs to be swapped out and the dead one recharged daily most people with 3 horses could get away with just a 20 to 30 gallon tank if re-filled daily. This does not mean you have to remove your big water tank but just offer the live stock an alternative drinking spot that is smaller and still liquid. The problem with solar is that the snow covers the panel so it also needs daily sweeping, The panels also cost about $1800.00 each for the Wattage needed to run the 600 Watt heater and the theft rate on an $1800.00 solar panel sitting in the middle of an open field is about 100% in the first year!
   Q. -How does this all work? Please tell me what I need to do.
    A. - Most of our customers connect a freshly charged deep cycle battery on their tank heater once every day at feeding time and then they JUST swap them out for a newly charged battery at that time. This means you will need two deep cycle batteries. One is operating the heater while the other one being recharged. No more chopping sheets of ice, battery swapping is all you need to do here. EASY! The water above the heater is always open. Also put straw bails around your tank and set the tank on an 8" bed of straw to keep it off of the cold ground. You can also build a dirt ramp around it for short animals if necessary.
    Q. -Why is my battery only lasting 6 hours?
    A. - First of all 6 hours of making warm water is very good because it may actually take the water 18 hours or more to cool back down to freezing so you have figure that into the whole timing equation. Having a tank with insulated walls that also is not siting on the ice cold ground will also help extend your warm water time dramatically.
    Second, make very sure that you charge your battery up to a full 13.8 volts . This will give you TWICE the power of an ordinary 12 volt charge. This can be done by using a charger that has a "Boost" mode on it and a timer. Set it for 60 minutes on full BOOST mode. Using a charger that has a START/BOOST mode super charges your battery effectively doubling its energy output! Double check the charge with a volt meter and make sure its 13.7 volts or higher. If not, give it 60 more minutes of charging on the start/boost setting.You can also try buy a bigger DEEP cycle battery or even add many batteries in parallel to increase heating time. Insulate your batteries too. A cold battery is a dead battery! The BEST deep cycle battery is a TROJAN model # DC-500ML. This is the battery you should get! ( Rare facts: A 12 volt battery can be charged up as high as 14.7 volts) "Swopping out a battery daily sure beats chopping ice everyday"
    A - Yes but you must only use a model #SJH24125 heater in combination with the model #HT500/24 VOLT wind turbine! Buy Both as ONLY this combo works! This is the only combo proven not to 'stall-out' the wind turbine from spinning or burn-out the heater in a wind storm.
    Q. My heater will not screw into the 1" NPT hole on my threaded tank.
    A. We use a 1" BOTTOM TAP STYLE thread as it says in all of our ads. FIX - You need to buy or rent a 1" pipe tape and open up your thread ALL the way to the
    maximum possible pipe taper so it will fit in the NOW 1" bottom taped threaded hole. Just run the pipe tap through the hole until the threads are fully cut up open to full size (bottom taped) Remember pipe thread is tapered. BOTTOM TAP means ALL THE WAY OPEN to the maximum taper. There is also a TAP called a bottom tap that does this right away. In either case you need to open up your threads wider, then it will fit into your 1" bottom taped hole.
    Q. - I have your highest power 600 watt model and a big powerful battery at the full 13.8 volt charge but the water still freezes up by morning. What can I do?
    A - You must be in an extremely cold area. The best thing you can do is get a smaller stock tank to concentrate the heaters energy into a smaller body of water. Also try to bring hot water with you when you fill your stock tank. Many ranchers fill their truck-tank directly from their home hot water heater. This water is burning hot at first but by the time you get out to the stock yard the water will be nice and warm and will melt all of the ice in the tank on contact ! (No Chopping). Now connect your freshly charged battery to your stock tank heater and you should be able to make it for a full 24 hours, until your next visit.
"Swopping out a battery daily sure beats chopping ice everyday"
How to buy a heater now
How to buy a thermostat to stop over heating or freezing
Heat water with wind power
If you do not have a 1" NPT threaded hole at the bottom of your tank just buy a Bulkhead Fitting


If you do not have a 1" NPT threaded hole at the bottom of your tank just buy a Bulkhead Fitting

KT5 Wind Turbine

Email US

12, 24 & 48V


Tilting Wind Turbine

More Info on Stock tank heaters

This heater with freeze sensor has a full base plate for easy mounting -

6" heater /#SJH126F model features standard electric terminal screws and is

zinc plated with rubber gasket. Has special sensor not for sale separately.

Pleaty of wire to make for easy installation. All are either solder coated

or crimped. Had marine varish coating for long life!

This heater with freeze sensor has a full base plate for easy mounting - 6" heater /#SJH126F model features standard electric terminal screws and is zinc plated with rubber gasket. Has special sensor not for sale separately. Pleaty of wire to make for easy installation. All are either solder coated or crimped. Had marine varish coating for long life!

Model #SJH126F   
$149.95 + $24.90 S&H each
ONE 12 volt heater
w/freeze sensor
(Ni-Chrome coils / High Wattage)
12 volt @ 600 watts -
Thread-In Model (1" NPT bottom tap) 
40 F. "ON" to 60 F. "OFF"
Special build for 50 amps / 600 Watts

BUY COMPLETE 600 Watt Drop-in /Plunge-Probe Kit -

If you do not want to drill holes in tanks get a Plunge-Probe Full Water Heater Kit -

Includes drop in heater probe and Freeze Sensor all in one unit / Just Plug-And-Play


Note: If you purchase the plunge-probe kit it will come directly wired into the Freeze sensor module.


WARNING: do not put any kind cold proofing insulation between the tank and freeze sensor.

It must remain exposed to cold air and not only the warmer water in the base of the tank.

If you do not want to drill holes in tanks get a Plunge-Probe Full Water Heater Kit -
Includes drop in heater probe and Freeze Sensor all in one unit / Just Plug-And-Play
WARNING: do not put any kind cold proofing insulation between the tank and freeze sensor. It must remain exposed to cold air and not only the warmer water in the base of the tank.

Note: If you purchase the plunge-probe kit it will come directly wired into the Freeze sensor module.
BUY 600 Watt Drop-in /Plunge-Probe Kit - $239.95 Plus $33.88 S&H
EASY PLUG & PLAY - Just clip the 2 power terminals to any 12 volt car or boat battery and probe will start heating your water tank fast. (Make sure the probe is covered in water at all times so it does not over-heat)
If you do not want to drill holes in tanks? Get our Easy-To-Use / Drop-In / PLUNGE-PROBE
34" long by 3/4" PVC plunge-probe. Can be extended with ordinary PVC pipe fittings.
Comes with heavy duty 12 AWG water proof wire. Just clip on to a 12 Volt Marine battery or buy with our Freeze Sensor Module for cold weather automation and automatic ON-OFF. (See: Freeze Sensor Module Below)
Drop in Plunge-probe is sealed at base and top with silicon rubber for years for long life
BUY 600 Watt Drop-in / Plunge-Probe for $69.95 Plus $26.99 S&H  (Model PP34)
REPLACEMENT - Plunge-Probe Freeze Sensor Module Kit to Automate Plunge Probe $124.95
Freeze Sensor Module Kit with High Amperage relays mounted on plate. We sell two models for both high and low amperage Systems. Turn heaters 'ON' only when temperatures drop below the freezing point. Saves time during moderate weather conditions when freezing cold nights are only occasional.
Both types came mounted on metal mounting plate for easy mounting.
  WARNING: do not put any kind cold proofing insulation between the tank and freeze sensor.
  It must remain exposed to cold air and not only the warmer water in the base of the tank.

(Water Heater Not Included)
$139.95 Plus Shipping Fee - (680 Watts)
Freeze sensor range is 40 F. "ON" to 60 F. "OFF" / Relay can handle up to 60 Amps of switching power.
$179.95 Plus Shipping Fee - (9000 Watts)
Freeze sensor range is 40 F. "ON" to 60 F. "OFF" / Relay can handle up to 440 Amps of switching power.
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literature.  We offer only non-polluting electronically
generated information that is served here on this
website. Over 175,000,000 tons of paper and other
wood products are dumped into landfills annually
world over.
Wind Turbines made for residential, farm ranch, rural and small business installations. Our wind turbine electricity generators offer low cost and economical installation for the do-it-yourselfer DIY and off grid crowd.  We have many of the supplies you need for energy independence including solar and grid tie links to the lowest cost systems on the market. We sell the best battery controller and regulars, dump and diversion loads, Wind turbine blades and propellers, DC motors and controllers, low voltage battery powered hot water heaters to stop drinking water from freezing stopping colic in horse and cows in cold weather.
Serving all 50 states Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Riverside, San Bernardino, Inland Empire, San Diego, Orange County, Southern California, Northern California, Corona, Los Angeles, Las Vegas
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Water Heating Elements Only
Thread-In Model (1" NPT / bottom tap) Probe MUST be under water at all times! standard electric terminal screws and is zinc plated with rubber gasket.
WARNING: Do not run the tanks DRY with the heating element 'ON' or it will over-heat!

600 Watt / 12 Volt Model

#SJH12600 - For 12 volt heater

Ratings; (Ni-Chrome coils / Low Wattage)

12 volt @ 600 watts / 6 volt @ 150 watts

(15 volts - Max Battery VDC = 780 watts)

$39.95 + $19.90 S&H


600 Watt / 24 Volt Model

#SJH24600 - for 24 volt heater

Ratings; (Ni-Chrome coils / High Wattage)

24 Volt @ 600 watts - 6" model

12 Volt @ 150 watts / 6 Volt @ 40 watts

$49.95 + $19.90 S&H

300 Watt / 12 Volt Model


12 Volt / 300 Watt / 6" model

Ratings; (Ni-Ru coils / High Wattage)


$39.95 + $19.90 S&H

600 Watt / 48 Volt Model

#SJH48600 - for 48 volt systems- 8" model

Ratings; (Ni-Chrome coils / High Wattage)

48 volt @ 600 watts / 60 volt @ 775 watts

$29.95 + $19.90 S&H