Photo shows optional fan and pulley.
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PLEASE NOTE: Our model numbers have nothing to do with voltages. For instance, our model #120 sereis can make 1,400 volts if you spin it at 18,000 RPM or it can make 12 volts if you spin it at 200 RPM. The '120' code is ONLY a stock number as are ALL the model numbers in ALL our PMA's. Our model numbers (#) are NOT voltage designations! MORE STRAIGHT TALK FROM OUR CUSTOMERS: A great way to show how much better your rotor designs are vs the competition with one mag and the Chinese wind gens with wound rotors. Ive been studying converting a wound rotor to a pm rotor. But found that your design of multi mags on the outside put 4 to 6 times more oomph into the coils. There is only so much field you can get in an iron core. about 16G. Now a wire wound core has to divide this between the usual 6 poles on the rotor for 1/6 of the possible mag field at each pole/coil. But a typical #42 NDB has 13G so each coil gets 13G not 16G/6 or 2.66G. So the multi mag core is 13/2.66 (4.88) times more powerful than a electro rotor and 6 to 12 times more powerful than a pma with old rotor and NDB magnet ring because half the field goes on the inside of the rotor and the rest is divided into 6 poles. Might be a good selling point over the other pmas that use a ring magnet in an old core. Note the larger axial pma's will put out a higher voltage at lower rpm because the magnets are moving faster across the coils at the same rpm. The bigger the rotor the higher the voltage per rpm.