SunForce 44444 / 403 /AirX/Air Breeze / Test Results
Get more power in low winds and also in
high mountain areas at "thin-air" altitudes-
The Hornet 3 and 6 rotor 50" blades on the SunForce 44444 / AirX / 403 wind turbines
All Hornet blade holes and hub shafts are compatible with SunForce, AirX, Air breeze (AB) and 403 wind turbines.

"The results were amazing! The blades would simply not stop turning! Even when there was no perceivable wind in the air the blades turned at about 100 rpm. Even in seemingly dead calm wind conditions its was puzzling to ponder why the blades kept spinning. We can deduct that it was partially due good magnetic balance, the superb bearings these turbines combined our extra large blades"
When the wind was measurable at about 1.3 MPH the blades turned at about 300 rpm!
There is not a lot of wattage in 1.3 MPH winds but it was still an impressive display of potential power.
A. Excellent low wind speed start up! Started blades turning in a mild breeze of only 2 miles per hour.
B. At wind speeds over 14 MPH the small rotor on the southwest's 403/X could rev quicker and produce much higher voltages. But when under extra heavy charging loads the stock AirX blades quickly rev'd down and could not pull the load without stalling.
C. At wind speeds over 14 MPH the Hornet 6 rotor could produce more amperage in conditions that had heavy electrical loads without the rotor slowing down as much as the southwests 403/AirX stock blades.
D. At wind speeds between 2 and 14 MPH our blades produced significantly more power on the 403/X than their stock blades produced while "working" under heavy amp load conditions (The real world).
F. No more noise!!! The blades never again made that horrible fluttering sound that had the tendency to make neighbors mad. These 6 large blades effectively turned these wind turbines into a very neighbor friendly machines.
With the larger blades the stock wind turbine was transmuted into a low wind / high amperage powerhouse in wind conditions that drew high amp loads. Shorting out the output wires will not stop the bigger blades from turning in wind conditions that exceed 14+ MPH. They will just keep turning and making power (Careful! The wires get hot! Not recommended!)
(Testing done at heavy amp loads)
NOTE: Many people in high mountain areas at altitudes of over 4000 feet have
had Great Successes finally motivating their SunForce 44444, AixX or 403 to
finally Rev-Up and run properly by using these blades in the thinner mountain air!
With the larger blades the stock wind turbine was transmuted into a low wind / high amperage powerhouse in wind conditions that drew high amp loads. Shorting out the output wires will not stop the bigger blades from turning in wind conditions that exceed 14+ MPH. They will just keep turning and making power (Careful! The wires get hot! Not recommended!)
NOTE: Many people in high mountain areas at altitudes of over 4000 feet have
had Great Successes finally motivating their SunForce 44444, AixX or 403 to
finally Rev-Up and run properly by using these blades in the thinner mountain air!
Be careful! In high wind conditions DO NOT attempt to stop a modified wind turbine by shorting the wires together as this may burn up the wiring harness.
Its better just to let it spin and use the power. We have tested the unit in the photo above to 90 MPH with our "Wind tunnel on wheels" vehicle without damage.
We make no recommendation or claim that our blades should be purchased and placed on any SunForce 44444, 403 or X type wind turbines or any other turbines for that matter. So to do this is at your own risk. We do not offer any tech support for this conversion.
(photo with our early model BLACK blades - All new blades are clear)

KITS - Fits most SunForce 44444 / AirX / 403 wind turbines
#HWB243CS - 3 CLEAR Blades, 24" ea. - Replacement and upgrade blades for AirX, 403 and 303 unit
Large 50" Diameter kit can generate 400 Watts or more depending on PMA efficiency.
With 17mm plain hole and spacers for Delco PMA shaft. fits AirX, 403 and 303 units.
We do not sell individual blades since blade sets MUST be balanced to run smooth.

#HWB246CS - 6 CLEAR Blades, 24" ea. - Complete replacement and upgrade blades for
AirX, 403 and 303 unit
Large 50" Diameter kit can generate 400 Watts or more depending on PMA efficiency.
With 17mm plain hole and spacers for Delco PMA shaft. fits AirX, 403 and 303 units.
We do not sell individual blades since blade sets MUST be balanced to run smooth.


These kits do not include a CONE, you really do not need one (Read More Below)

The best trick for the AirX is just to use 3 of our 24" blades. They are TWICE as wide
so it makes a BIG difference. With longer bolts they fit right onto the old AirX hub.
Now for 6 of our 24" blades you will need OUR hub and
a special SHAFT SPACER kit that we sell for $1.00 each.
DO NOT PUT 29" blades on the AirX, since in 85 MPH winds
you could MAYBE get a POLE HIT during a fast right hand turn
do to turbulent or tornadic winds. Stick to the safer 24" long blades.
Your "CONE" will no longer fit after and of these "MODS" and
you do not really need it anyhow. Read about 'CONES' here -
Do cones help? - OR
Are they just for beautification?
The making of conical myths.
To learn more Click Here


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Letters from happy customers



Subject: EMG15
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 08:45:51 -0800
From: "RNelson" <dakota-????@dakota-?????>*
I am thinking of using them for some kind of dc motored vehicle. I
enjoyed reading your article on them and the amount of weight they
can pull ect..
I like those blades you sell very much. Good price, and gave, new
life to that airX of mine..
I enjoy visiting your web-site. If those dc motors are strong. I
may even buy more. I look forward to playing and testing them!
"Thanks" Bob
*(The ???? are for customer privicy)


"Hub-Bub Talk"


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We do not have a voice phone number or a receptionist in order to keep your prices low.
We have the WORLD's lowest prices on wind turbines and accessories and sacrifices have
to be made in order to accomplish this goal! Therefore we are a 100% web based company.
Our PayPal email address will be revealed when you click HERE.


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