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MINI WIND FARM, the idea is catching on : )




Could a balloon be the next generation of

wind turbine platforms that take us to the

300 MPH 'Jet-Stream' winds high above?


RIVER PADDLE WHEEL WITH 14" CHAIN DRIVE TO #SC12 PMA - 3000 Watts - 24/7 for free !










NICE Urban Wind!!

Do you have laws in your town banning solar on your roof ?

Then make a solar Patio or solar Walkway at ground level!

Clear epoxy coatings are VERY tough these days even

if you are walking over it all day long (super low profile)


The bigger they are the harder they fall

(Think harder about the small wind farm ideology) MORE





Free wind power on the roof line of all industrial buildings.

Wind Power Art


Gets 25 miles per kilo of newspaper!


















Wood gasifiers can power either spark ignition engines where 100% of the normal petrol can be replaced with little change to the carburation, or in a diesel engine by simply feeding the gas into the air inlet when the diesel governor automatically cuts back the diesel to fuel to between 15% - 40%. In the latter case the diesel fuel is still needed to ignite the gas. Wood can be used to power cars with ordinary internal combustion engines if a wood gasifier is attached. This was quite popular during World War II in several European and Asian countries because the war prevented easy and cost-effective access to oil. In more recent times, wood gas has been suggested as a clean and efficient method to heat and cook in developing countries, or even to produce electricity when combined with a gas turbine or internal combustion engine. Compared to the WWII technology, gasifiers have become less dependent on constant attention due to the use of sophisticated electronic control systems, but it remains difficult to get clean gas from them. Purification of the gas and feeding it into the natural gas pipelines is one variant to link it to existing refueling infrastructure. Liquification by the Fischer-Tropsch process is another possibility.

Efficiency rate of the gasifier system is relatively high. The gasification stage converts about 75% of fuel energy content into a combustible gas that can be used as fuel for internal combustion engines. Based on long term practical experiments and over 100 000 km driven with wood gas powered car, the energy consumption has been 1.54 times more compared to the energy demand of the same car on petrol (not including the energy needed to extract, transport and refine the oil from which petrol is derived). This means that 1000 kg of wood combustible matter has been found to substitute 365 litres of petrol during real transportation in similar driving conditions and with the same otherwise unmodified vehicle [2]. This can be considered to be a good result, because no other refining of the fuel is required. This study also considers all possible losses of the wood gas system like preheating of the system and carrying of the extra weight of the gas generating system.

Gasifiers have been built for remote Asian communities using rice husk, which in many cases has no other use. One installation in Burma uses an 80kW modified diesel for about 500 people who are otherwise without power.[3] The ash can be used as fertilizer so this can be considered a renewable fuel. It has been suggested that the rice husk ash, which is particularly pure and high in silica can be used at high economic value in e.g. semiconductor manufacture.

Against general belief, exhaust gas emission level of internal combustion engine is significantly lower on wood gas than on petrol. Especially low are HC emissions. A normal catalytic converter works well with wood gas but even without it, emission level less than 20 ppm HC and 0,2 % CO can be easily achieved by most automobile engines. Combustion of wood gas generates no particulates and the gas thus renders very little carbon black amongst motor oil.



VAWT's ALL Require Increased Speed In Order To Use Smaller PMA's



3 on one pole

I found a good trick for roof sealing a long time ago.
I have NEVER seen it marketed. People say I should promote it since it works SO good.
If you go to a restaurant supply store you can find extra thick aluminum foil in 24" wide rolls.
Then you buy OIL based (not water) CONTACT CEMENT, the type used in fixing flat tires (camel brand works nice)
You add 50% extra solvent (lacquer thinner) to the contact cement.
Brush it onto the roof or fiber glass nice and thick.
Now when it gets tacky press down a 24" by 48" piece of aluminum foil.
The over laps should be 2" and brushed with extra contact cement.
My roof looks like a glass mirror and has lasted 28 years. Reflects ALL the Sun so inside it stays very cool in the summer.
Also holes and rips are VERY easy to spot and fix. ALUMINUM FOIL AND SOLVENT BASED CONTACT CEMENT.


video "FRED'S TEST"

The Worlds BEST small battery


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